It’s been quite a stressful year.
We’ve seen a global pandemic appear to go away, only to come roaring back time after time. We continue to struggle with global shortages of such goods as the semiconductor chips that are the heart of everything from mainframes to Xboxes.
During a year like this, even the annual transition from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time feels just a little like the coming of the apocalypse.
But tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, the day we take a much needed break to consider all the things we should be grateful to have. Especially during such a tough year.
If you’re employed (even if your job sometimes drives you crazy), if you have food in your home, if you have family and friends who make you happy, you really have a wealth of blessings.
So, as you observe Thanksgiving in your own way, whether that’s with a family feast or a festival of football on TV, take at least one moment to count up all the reasons you have to celebrate. LRS IT Solutions wishes you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!