Did you know that you can improve z/VM system security and auditing by making some basic changes to the z/VM Directory? This helps you if you don't want to implement an external security manager (ESM) like RACF, CA-ACF2, or CA-Top Secret.
To learn some techniques for basic improved security, join Sam Cohen of LRS IT Solutions at the Metropolitan VM Users Association (MVMUA) virtual meeting on Tuesday, January 18. He will speak on Improving security with z/VM Directory Changes.
Click here to register for the meeting.
Sam is a technical consultant for LRS, with over 40 years of experience in the information technology field. He helps customer with devising strategies for information processing, including availability, resiliency, security and human factors.
The Metropolitan VM Users Association, Inc. (MVMUA) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the use of the VM operating system and the education of the computer professionals who support it. It is also the oldest organized VM user group in the country, having been founded in 1974.