The idea that mainframes are going the way of the dinosaurs has been around for a quarter century, and there’s always some bit of news to debunk that myth.
Earlier this year, the introduction of the IBM z16 delivered accelerated artificial intelligence along with enhanced security designed especially for the hybrid cloud environment. That was one sign that the mainframe will be here for a while
And then there was IBM’s third quarter results, which showed that revenue from IBM z Systems was up 88 percent.
Eighty-eight percent. The dinosaurs never had a quarter like that.
As Networkworld noted in its coverage of IBM’s earnings, “At launch, industry observers said they expected that the performance and scalability of the z16 would pave the way for more use of the mainframes in hybrid-cloud environments. And complementing the jump in mainframes sales, IBM revenue for its hybrid infrastructure business was also up last quarter.”
You might be thinking “good for IBM, but what’s in it for me?” The short answer is: A lot.
Increased sales of any product means the company will continue to work on product enhancements and IT support companies (LRS IT Solutions, for example) will work to enhance the knowledge of their mainframe support personnel.
And you won’t be left hanging with your z System.
We know that sharpening your mainframe exit strategy is all the rage these days, but we advise against it. We know that mainframe, even as more and more work is being done in the Cloud, will be here for a while longer.
If you want a free consultation on your mainframe environment, just contact us!